European Cinema and Cultural Studies
Albert Wei-min Tang, Ph.D. (唐維敏)
Associate Professor in film, media and Cultural Studies
Venue: ES 108
A. Goal
Aiming at combining film policy, film production, film textualization, and film consumption, together with EU festival screening activities, the course will benefit students from attaining more visual experiences and reflexive energy in film analysis, film museum, and creative industries, in order to critically examine image culture in EU-affiliated areas and carefully reflect how Taiwan/Chinese cinema has been received in the mind of the Europeans. This inter-disciplinary and EU-centered course in film studies will benefit devoted students from multiple academic dimensions, such as EU Film Policy and EU film production as social integration, early film production and texts, New waves and cultural movements, and globalization of major international festivals.
Combining with the annual European Film Festival normally held around December, the course will bridge film screening, film festival, and film cultural discourse, with contemporary film texts carefully selected for audience in Taiwan. The course will also discuss how different screen marketplaces regard Taiwanese film in the past, for the time being, and in the future.
Students can expect more in-depth understanding of European cultural heritage and social integration from film appreciation, film discussion, and film cultural studies which feature inter-nationalistic sentimentalism, identity politics, urbanity landscape, critical cultural policy, and creative industries.
B. Requirement
EUFCS will mainly be conducted in classes and on-line. There will be well-structured screening activities, seminar discussion, lectures, text blogging, video demonstration and other artistic synergetic events. Students will be expected to participate in all relevant activities designed and hosted by the lectures. They will:
1. Conduct active blogging on-line and hopefully post their contribution on a regular basis. Since students are from diversified backgrounds, they will introduce not just themselves, but also their academic interests on film and culture. They will be guided to present their knowledge on European cinema in a accessible way.
2. Students will have chances to be familiar with film-related cultural discourse and academic training. Although EUFCS doesn’t require any written exams or quizzes, students will be required to work on a research project (10 page ppt file) on a European director, and compile their notes into a short essay toward the end of the semester.
3. To better experience the cine-cultural performance, students will be asked to do more fact finding and visual performance related to videomaking. They will make a short video presentation on a European director, and another one on a European city projected on the big screen.
4. To further promote interaction and vivid discussion among students and with other students, EUFCS will encourage students to visually design their film knowledge with fantastic posters on the city-film or/and the cinematic cities.
5. EUFCS requires regular class attendance. Students will not be waived from any non-excused absence. Any emergency leading to the absence will have to be posted on the blog.
C. Grading
1. Academic involvement (blog) 15%
2. Visual passion (film) 15%
3. Cinematic dedication (discourse) director dossier 40%
4. Regular punctuality (all classes) 10%
5. Project creativity (posters) 20%
Sept 13 Syllabus, course preparation, blogging, grouping
Sept 20 film genre/ key European filmmakers
Sept 27 Early Cinema (Lumiere, Edison, Melies); Lumiere at company; Vertov
Oct 4 Methods film analysis, Kulturindustrie, Cultural Studies,
Political Economy, Postmodernism, postcolonialism
Oct 11 Chacun son cinema (To Each his own cinema),
Cahier du Cinema, new waves/ Taiwan
Oct 18 screening Metropolis
Oct 25 screening Antonioni
*director assignment due ppt 10 pages handed in
page 1: topic, identity;
p2: abstract, keywords;
p3 outline;
p4: establishing shots and works;
p5-p8: critical issues;
p9: reflection and question;
p10: ending: depicting Europeanism
Nov 1 Paris J'taime;
Nov 8 Berlin: Symphony of a metropolis
Nov 15 cinema Europe
Nov 22 cinema Europe
Nov 29 cinema Europe
Dec 6 directors' dossier presentation
Dec 13 directors' dossier presentation
Dec 20 directors' dossier presentation/ film museology?
Dec 27 tintin
Jan 3 tintin as inter-European imagology, cross-cultural icon, and boundary-crossing cultural
production, tintin museum,
Jan 10 revised ppt sent to Albert's office (two ppt, one on director, synchronous sound screening; the other on European visuals)

Major topics (examples)
1. European influence: Michaelanglo Antonioni, Joris Ivens
2. European Influence: Early Cinema (Liumere, Electronic Shadow; Dutch Film Academy)
3. European influence: film festival and New Waves (Berlin, Venice, Cannes; HK, TW, CN)
4. European influence: cahier du cinema, (Yang + Ying) BFI, Manheim
5. European influence: cultural discourses (CS, creative industries, cultural policy)
6. Movieum (London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris, Dublin)
7. Cinematic cities, urban films (London, Paris, Berlin, Taipei)
8. inter-filmic-textuality: Beckett, Dickens, Shakespeare, Mozart
9. Chinoisie on European: Kulturrevolution Chinoisie
10. imaging Europe, imagining Europe
Director portray
The following directors and/or film movements will be listed as key filmmakers for our discussion. We will sometimes touch upon other names if necessary. Albert will provide background information, handouts, and useful video clips (online or from Albert’s collection).
Pedro Almodovar
Mechelangelo Antonioni
Luis Brunel
Charles Chaplin
Federico Fellini
Jean-luc Godard
Werner Herzog
Joris Ivens
Fritz Lang
Leni Riefenstahl
Francois Trufaut
Lars von Trier
Wim Wenders
Alain Renais
Krzysztol Kieslowski
John Grierson
Humphrey Jenning
Free Cinema Movement
Dogma 95
cinema verite
costume drama
film noir
martial arts
science fiction
Student list
歷史四 597020147 吳宗原
大傳學程三甲 598091351 潘斯云
哲學四愛 497031290 陳玠雯
哲學四愛 497031355 鄭鈺諠
新傳四 497120156 謝鈺清
新傳四 497120209 陳怡安
新傳四 497120247 郝家欣
新傳四 497120338 吳韻恬
新傳四 497120417 鄭穎暄
英文四 497200554 黃瓊緻
義文四 497250016 陳雅
義文四 497250212 林枻均
經濟三甲 497651600 徐維呈
影傳三 498110225 李悅慈
新傳三 498120244 陳俊文
新傳三 498120438 蔡佩穎
法文三 498220240 余玟萱
西文二 499130612 蔡佳諭
義文二 499150208 張靜琦