Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dolphin cheng/ Wim Wenders

Alabama:2000 Light Years(1969)
Rolling Stones -2000 Light Years From Home
Bob Dylan - All Along The Watchtower
Feeling of alienation and emptiness of Rolling Stones songs in manifest
When two thousand light-years away from home, very lonely
I got a book about Wim Wenders from library, which introduced many of his early films and also mentioned that he particularly likes rock music. It said background music has a high position
in his films, so I searched some of them on Youtube.

I also watched a part of "Wings of Desire"on the net, in addition to Albert, professors in our department recommended this movie to me.
I will talk about Yas ujiro Ozu and Wenders, because Ozu is his favorite director. In his film " Tokyo-Ga "( 1985) at the beginning he said "If in our century something sacred still existed…
if there were something like a sacred treasure of the cinema, then for me that would have to be the work of the Japanese director, Yasujiro Ozu",to sum up
he was inspired by Yasujiro Ozu.

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