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Albert Tang, right, stands with mainland China film director Xie Jin, in Beijing University Campus in Bejing, China, in 2005. Director Xie, then the most prominent and heavyweight Chinese filmmaker, was one of the Keynote speakers in the significant international conference commemorating the 100-year birth of Chinese cinemas. Albert Tang was the only Taiwanese invited film scholar in the Beijing-Shanghai event.
Albert Tang, associate professor in mass communication, has been teaching English, film and Cultural Studies at Fu Jen Catholic University since 1993.
Albert Wei-min Tang, Ph.D.
Albert, Archaelogical Museum, Oxford, UK, July 4, 2011
Dr. Albert Tang has wide range of teaching experiences. Currently he is Associate Professor in media, communication and cultural studies at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan. He also lectures in MBA program, Museum Studies master program, European Language and Cultural Studies credit program, international master program in Taiwan Studies. He has been teaching inter-cultural communication, Chinese cinemas, media and cultural Studies, Taiwan Studies, media English for nearly two decades. Among his 8 books, he writes about videology, critical media studies, mass media research methodology, media convergence, post-modernist culture. He also edits and translates the first Chinese book of British Cultural Studies, and an anthology dedicated to Stuart Hall. He has been awarded Excellent Teaching Award, Excellent Creative Teaching Award, and FJU Research Award.
Dr. Tang also works as senior specialist for film festival curating and editor-in-chief for Golden Horse Film Festival Executive Committee both in 1990 and 1996. He helps coordinating several special events in awarding ceremony, film competition, delegation reception, and is in charge of cross-strait communication. He’s also been on the jury panels for documentary filmmaking for Golden Deer Award, the Broadcasting Fund, Hakka Television, and Golden Bud Award. He has be chief-coordinator for Your English Corner at Fu Jen and has been co-producer for 80-anniversial radio-documentary “Penalty of Piety: Benectine Beginning of Fu Jen Catholic University at Beijing.”
Dr. Tang has shouldered several administrative positions, both in school administration and higher education in Taiwan. He has been Chair of Department of Mass Communication, Section Chief of Curriculum Affair at Bureau of Academic Affairs, Director of Academic Exchange Center, Deputy-Director of EU Center at FJU, Chair of Preparatory Office at International College, and Deputy-Secretary-General of Taiwan Secretariat of University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific. He has attended and given special presentations in NAFSA, EAIE, APAIE, FICHET, JAFSA, QSApple, ETHEC and Taiwan Forum. Dr. Tang has presented, invited as keynote speaker and/or discussant for NATSA, EATS, SOAS summer school and other Taiwan Studies-related forum. He’s founding Secretary-General for Cultural Studies Association, Taiwan, and on the board of other academic associations.
Dr. Tang has traveled to many countries and cities, mostly for business in higher education or academic purposes. They are Los Angeles, Texas, New York, Washington, DC, San Francisco, Memphis, Kansas, St.Louis (USA), Toronto, Montreal, Vancouvre (Canada), London, Durham, Oxford, Bath, Bradford, Stratford-on-Avon, Bedford (UK), Paris, Nantes, Lille (France), Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague, Leiden (Nethersland), Luxumberg (Luxumberg), Brussels, Liege (Belgium), Dublin (Ireland), Hamburg, Berlin, Bonn, Frankfurt, Jena, Stuttgart, Tuebingen, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Munich (Deutschland), Vienna, Salzburg, Linz (Osterreich), Brno, Prague (Czech) , Ljubljana (Slovenia), Rome, Florence, Pisa (Italy), Athens (Greek), Amen (Jordan), Bahrain, Bangkok (Thailand), Ho Chi Min City, Hanoi, Da Nang (Vietnam), Jakarta, Jonjakarta (Indonesia), Manila (Philippines), Tokyo, Kawasagi (Japan), Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru (Malaysia), Sydney, Brisbane (Australia), Beijing, Shanghai, Guanchou, Tienqing, Xian, Chongqing, Chendu, Xichan, Chende, Hanchou, Soochow, Zhanqiang (China).
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